10 Easy Life Hacks to Reduce Your Impact

10 Easy Life Hacks to Reduce Your Impact

“You have to hold yourself accountable for your actions, and that’s how we’re going to protect the Earth.”Julia “Butterfly” Hill

We are at a climate crossroads, and it’s time to transform the way we live.

In honour of Earth Day 2021, here are 10 easy life hacks you can use to fight climate change and reduce your impact. These life hacks are simple solutions for much larger problems, like emissions and plastic, and can be put into action right away. Though some seem small on their own, when practiced in numbers, they can preserve our planet for generations to come.

Now is the time to take climate action into our own hands. Kickstart your sustainable lifestyle with these easy life hacks today.

1. Zero Waste Packaging

zero waste packaging

In 2019, global plastics production reached nearly 370 million tonnes. Roughly 40% of this plastic was for packaging.

As more and more companies move away from harmful packaging materials and choose biodegradable, compostable, reusable, and even package-free options, it’s easier for consumers to find zero-waste products.

Challenge yourself to accumulate as little packaging waste as possible. Simple actions like switching from shampoo bottles to bars, or bringing your own cup, jar, container or bag will quickly reduce your impact.

Take this challenge a step further by writing to companies, asking them to rethink their packaging, and sign petitions rallying for the cause. The plastics problem isn’t going away on its own, so it’s up to us to demand better government policies, to choose to reuse, and to make eco-friendly the new standard for packaging.

2. Compost Food Waste

compost food waste

Putting food in the garbage is a missed opportunity to create a valuable resource. Instead of sending organic waste to the landfill, get in on the action and try composting!

Composting is one of the simplest and most effective actions you can take to reduce your impact. Repurposing food waste helps free up landfill space, reduces methane emissions, and makes a useful byproduct – nutrient-rich soil. This soil can be used in gardens or on local farms, where it fosters new growth, and reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers.

Ready to dig in? Check out our Composting 101 blog for helpful tips to get started.

3. Support Local

support local business

Keep business in your own backyard!

Supporting local artisans, brands, and businesses helps your community build resilience and self-sufficiency – the key to sustainability. Instead of funnelling money to businesses overseas, support your local economy to help it prosper and grow! With many small businesses on the rise, it’s easy to get almost anything you need close to home.

Eliminating the travel emissions associated with imported goods lowers your carbon footprint, plus you can feel good knowing how and where your items were made.

For items that are tricky to find locally, source ethically. Avoiding industries like fast fashion and brands known for unfair pay and treatment of workers helps create a more sustainable and just world for us all.

4. Eat Plant-Based Meals

plant-based meal

Livestock production accounts for 70% of all agricultural land use, occupies 30% of the planet’s land surface, and is responsible for 18% of global GHG emissions. Given these stats, there’s no denying that the meat industry is driving deforestation and wreaking havoc on the climate.

By choosing to eat more plant-based foods you can drastically cut your carbon footprint, save precious water supplies, and help ensure that vital crop resources are fed to people rather than livestock.

Challenge yourself to replace meat proteins with plant-based alternatives. With so many tasty options available, it’s never been easier to reduce your impact by eating with the planet in mind.

5. Community Clean Up

beach clean up

No one likes seeing trash around their neighbourhood or city. Take pride in your community and help keep it clean! 

You’ll be surprised by the difference you can make in a matter of minutes. Next time you have a moment to spare, grab a bag and some gloves, take a stroll, and pick up trash in your area.

Many communities have local groups and green teams dedicated to cleanups. Get involved with one in your city, host your own, invite a friend to join you, or go solo. 

Of course, it’s easy to think, “Not my garbage, not my responsibility,” but the reality is that trash in nature is everyone’s problem. When you pick up litter left in public places, you help break the stigma that it’s dirty to touch, when actually it’s dirty to leave it there. Moreover, when others see you picking up trash it may inspire them to not litter in the future, or encourage them to join the clean-up cause.

To celebrate Earth Day this year, our team tidied up a historic site in our neighbourhood. Together, we collected approximately 3,300 pieces (34 kg) of garbage. That’s THOUSANDS of pieces of (mostly) plastic that will not end up in our ocean! Click here to see the before and after photos.

6. Let It Grow!

save the bees

Did you know that mowing your lawn every two weeks, instead of weekly, can increase bee populations by 30%?!

Allowing time for flowers like dandelions and clover to grow creates foraging and pollinator habitats for your local bees, and supports many diverse ecosystems.

Mowing less frequently also saves you time, energy, and money, and the emissions you eliminate from weekly lawn mows also helps reduce your impact.

This spring, rethink your lawn care routine, participate in No Mow May, and give the bees a chance to do their thing.

7. Walk More

walk more drive less

As the weather gets nicer, challenge yourself to drive less and walk more.

Walking around your city helps you get to know your neighbourhood on a different level. You’ll get to enjoy things about it that you wouldn’t otherwise notice from a car window. That’s not all though, walking has many other perks too, such as excellent health benefits, financial savings on fuel, and less pollution. 

Cities can help by creating accessible ‘walking-friendly’ downtown cores, and providing clean and comfortable public transit to link communities. Doing so will lower the city’s carbon emissions and helps foster vibrant, resilient, enjoyable communities. 

Think about the most thriving business district in any city and it’s more than likely an area where walking is prioritized. Research shows that improved walkability drives business activity – so everyone benefits when we can stroll safety through town.

8. Switch to Renewables

switch to renewable energy

What a great feeling to produce your own power from the Earth and Sun!

Choosing renewable energy sources for your electricity and heating is a great way to reduce your impact, lower energy costs, and boost the clean energy supply. Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to switch to 100% renewable energy sources.

Starting with renewables can be as simple as using solar for outdoor lights, or as full-on as rooftop panels. A rooftop installation can more than cover a home’s electricity demand, and even in overcast climates, can cut a decent chunk off your annual bill. Not to mention the value a renewable energy installation adds to a property.

If your home uses natural gas or home heating oil, switch to electric or heat pump technology. These systems run on electricity so they’re more eco-friendly, and they can save hundreds on your heating bill each year.

Lastly, ask your electricity provider to switch you to a renewable energy package. If this isn’t available, you can also purchase renewable power or energy credits from a green supplier. Both of these options require no home installation, and your energy will be produced by 100% renewable resources.

9. Support Green Events

outdoor market

Green events are taking off in cities around the world! With Car-Free Days, Pedestrian Malls, Farmers’ markets and more, it’s easy to attend and support these fun days out.

Environmentally-friendly and socially responsible, most green events close roads to motorized vehicles, giving pedestrians space to stroll on foot. This connects communities, people and businesses in new ways.

You’ll often find unique items and tasty treats for sale from local shops, artisans, and restaurants. Supporting these small businesses keeps money within your community, and helps your neighbourhood thrive.

Does your city host green events? If not, write to your city council showing support for these festivities, or consider organizing your own neighbourhood block party.
*please follow COVID-19 safety guidelines.

10. Measure Your Impact

measure your carbon footprint

Every action has an impact, be it big or small.

The most effective way to reduce your impact is to first know where you stand. Since it’s easier to manage what you measure, calculating your carbon footprint helps identify which of your habits or routines have the greatest impact on our planet.

Looking at your lifestyle is a great place to start. For example, do you walk, drive, bus, or bike to get around? Do you eat mostly plant-based meals, or is meat a hefty part of your diet? What resources do you rely on in your home? How do you dispose of waste? Where do you shop, and how are the goods you purchase made?

There are plenty of online carbon footprint calculators you can use to measure and quantify your personal impact. Once you do, it becomes easy to spot areas for improvement, and to set sustainability goals for yourself.

For businesses, this is where we come in. Our team of certified Carbon Accountants and Sustainability Advisors can measure your impact for you, so you can take advantage of opportunities to save on costs and resources. By streamlining operations sustainably, your business can become a green leader in your industry, while you enjoy the many benefits of running a low impact company.

Want to learn more? Contact us for a free consultation.


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